Friday, February 5, 2010


Inspite of a lot of pressure put on the Directorate, only 29 CRs have surfaced.
This includes a couple of persons who were on the first list of 147 persons.

What happened to the other CRs?
Who do we hold responsible for the missing CRs?
DG AIR is the custodian of our CRs. Procedures are clearly laid out for collection of our CRs year wise,

A great show of locating our CRs is also being made in SI- B for the past many days.
After this extended drama , less than 29 CRs have been located ( some names are also on the first list of 147 persons).

This selective pick and choose method is clearly useful for corrupt people to make money.
The custodians of our CRS want us to approach them one by one, and request for help to locate our CRs .

They want us to grease their palms before we get the benefit of a scheme given to all Government servants.

If you check the engineers list on airnet, u can see , who is eligible, who is not eligble, and whose CRS are still pending..
Why are things so different in the programme side?
How funny, that MACP is issued from the bottom of the Pexs seniority list,
rather than the top as in the rest of Government.

The more pressure we put, the more CRs will emerge.


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